Please ensure your computer system meets the following requirements, otherwise Alcohol 120% and Alcohol 52% may not work properly:
- Intel/AMD based PC with Windows 2000, XP, Server 2003, Vista, 7, Thin PC or Server 2008 operating system (x86/x64).
- 32MB (or more) of RAM
- Internet connection
- 10GB (or more) hard disk (a 74 minute CD image requires 650-700MB)
- One or more bus-mastering SCSI and/or ATAPI buses
- One or more CD-ROM/DVD-ROM drives. You can use a CD/DVD recorder as a reader with sufficient hard disk space
- One or more CD recorders (if you install more than 2 CD recorders, 700MHz CPU and 128MB RAM is recommended). Only required for Alcohol 120%.
- One or more DVD recorders (if you want to burn DVD format). Only required for Alcohol 120%.
If your computer meets these specifications you can safely Download Alcohol 120% trial version or Download Alcohol 52% trial version.
If you alread tried Alcohol 120% or 52% you can continue to our online shop to Purchase Alcohol 120% or 52%.